BY GABE CASTRO As families and friends gather beneath the twinkling summer night sky in West Philly's Clark Park, cinéSPEAK's annual Under the Stars screening series promises to ignite discussions on empowerment, activism, education, and inclusivity. This year's series begins on Friday, May 24th, with documentaries...

BY ERICK BARRAGÁN RAMÍREZ The cinéSPEAK Journal publishes a monthly Philadelphia Organization Spotlight highlighting a local film or moving image focused organization, business, or collective doing unique and impactful work. Philadelphia is a city where diverse Latino immigrant groups converge. While many people have one narrow image...

BY IREASHIA BENNETT The cinéSPEAK Journal publishes a monthly Philadelphia Artist Spotlight highlighting local filmmakers and moving image artists doing unique and impactful work. Intimacy and interiority are consistently present themes in films by Katie Harkins, a Philadelphia-born and raised cinematographer. Across genres–from narrative and documentary to...

BY ERICK BARRAGÁN RAMÍREZ The cinéSPEAK Journal publishes a monthly Philadelphia Organization Spotlight highlighting a local film or moving image focused organization, business, or collective doing unique and impactful work. Established in March 2021 by Arianne Bracho Hernandez, Carmen Marcet, Elizabeth Arellano, and Paola Velez, Madre Tierra...

BY SOPHIA ABRAHAM-RAVESON Please refer to the official websites for events to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information about ticketing, reservations, delays, re-scheduling, cancellations, and other guest policies for venues, including relevant COVID-19 requirements. Inclusion in the Philadelphia Monthly Arts Round-Up does not signify...

BY IREASHIA BENNETT The cinéSPEAK Journal publishes a monthly Philadelphia Artist Spotlight highlighting local filmmakers and moving image artists doing unique and impactful work. Lunise Cerin is a Haitian-American filmmaker who crafts stories and immerses viewers in worlds that situate embodied and autonomous Black and Haitian women...